Welcome to

Saint Catherine Labouré

Roman Catholic Church

Chino Valley, AZ


Saturday Vigil5:00 pm
Sunday7:30 am
9:00 am
11:00 am (Spanish)
Monday - Saturday8:30 am
First Saturday8:30 am


Wednesday9:00 am after Mass
Saturday9:00 am after Mass
Other times by appointment

How to go to ConfessionExamination of Conscience

Chaplet of Divine Mercy

Tuesday - Friday8:00 am
in Chapel

Eucharistic Adoration

First Friday9:00 - 10:00 am
in Church
Daily24 hours a Day
as long as Mass is not being celebrated.

The Blessed Sacrament is exposed and adored by volunteers who pray before the Lord Jesus present in the Monstrance.

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is also available in our chapel 24 hours a day, as long as Mass is not being celebrated. Registered parishioners are welcome to stop by the church office to receive a code for the chapel.

We, the people of St. Catherine Labouré empowered by the Holy Spirit, will strive to serve the Gospel message in reaching out as the Body of Christ to serve our brothers and sisters.




Bountiful Harvest

02-09-2025  |  Fr. Michael D. Accinni Reinhardt, MA, Mdiv, MS

Dear Parish Family,

Can you imagine going through life day in and day out, waiting for our ship to come in, anticipating the abundance of what is to come? God’s surplus of a bountiful harvest, His provision, our thirst quenched, our hunger satisfied. We all long for the spirit of prosperity, the spirit of abundance, abundance of blessings, that is.

This is the state we find the disciples of Jesus in as their nets are sunk deep in the lake, hoping and waiting for a good catch. Well before they left their nets on the shore to follow Him, they trusted Jesus. After almost giving up, they did as He asked and cast their nets again. They were disappointed and worried because they caught nothing. Jesus changed the outcome in an instant, so much that the nets were filled to the brim and they nearly sank their boat pulling them in. We find these ordinary fishermen tired, frustrated, angry, disgusted with the toil of their labor, and failing to turn up anything—until the Lord intervenes.

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Enjoy a Photo Loop of Familiar Parish Scenes!



Do Miracles Still Happen?

02-09-2025  |  Fr. Michael D. Accinni Reinhardt, MA, Mdiv, MS

Do you believe that miracles still happen, or are miracles something that only occurred during the time when Jesus preached to the people years ago? Today’s gospel tells us about a miracle with the huge catch of fish. This miracle did happen, and miracles do still continue to happen in our world today because God never stops loving us and He never abandons us. When our failures turn into success, when sadness turns into gladness, when we feel like quitting but then have renewed confidence, these are all miracles. God is always looking out for us; we just need to see His plans for us.

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